
EXAM TECHNIQUE | Planning your answer in Part 2 of the Speaking test

Today’s post is about planning, more specifically planning and organising your long-turn speech in Part 2 of the Speaking test. This part of the test lasts for 3-4 minutes: 1 minute preparation, 2 minutes to speak and follow-up questions (optional). Using that 1 minute to organise your thoughts and ideas is crucial. And can’t stress …

EXAM TECHNIQUE | Planning your answer in Part 2 of the Speaking test Read More »

SKILL FOCUS | Writing: How to paraphrase

In today’s post, I’m going to talk about paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you express the meaning of something written or spoken using different words. Why is paraphrasing important? This skill is a very powerful technique to increase not only your vocabulary but also your coherence, fluency, grammar, and even pronunciation. Now string those together and you have …

SKILL FOCUS | Writing: How to paraphrase Read More »

SKILL FOCUS | Pronunciation: Expressing enthusiasm

In one of my IG posts, I was telling you how to express enthusiasm.  Today’s post looks at ways of expressing enthusiasm in more depth.   Activity 1 Listen to four people talking about sport.1 Who sounds enthusiastic and who sounds bored? Speaker 1 sounds ________________  Speaker 3 sounds ________________Speaker 2 sounds ________________ Speaker 4 …

SKILL FOCUS | Pronunciation: Expressing enthusiasm Read More »

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Centru Partener IELTS


Suntem Centru Partener IELTS (limba engleză) prin parteneriatul dezvoltat cu EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE din București (EECentre).




Absolvirea testului IELTS oferă cele mai prestigioase certificate pentru cei ce studiază limba engleză; fiind folosite în peste 130 de țări și recunoscute de peste 10.000 universități și angajatori pe plan internațional. 


Eliberare rezultat și certificate: 3-5 zile (de la data susținerii testului)


Termen valabilitate certificat: 2 ani (de la data susținerii testului)






EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE – EECentre este o instituție autorizată de prestigioase organisme internaționale de învățământ să furnizeze în Romania, examene de certificare a cunoștintelor de limba engleză (IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, LINGUASKILL, TRINITY) și limba germană (ÖSD), conform procedurilor internaționale, în condiții și la standarde de calitate identice cu orice alt centru de examinare din Europa, America, Asia.