The reason I’m sharing these videos is because 3-4 years ago, one of my IELTS students told me that she had to listen to a recording about pyramids and pharaohs in her IELTS Listening Test. She also told me she had a hard time spelling pharaoh (which, unfortunately, she mispelt).
Listening Tip:
- improve your spelling – turn the captions on, listen AND read
- improve your listening skills – tune in and simply listen
✨ The Real Origins Of Ancient Egypt
✨Why Did The Egyptians Stop Building Pyramids?
✨ The Tombs Of Egypt’s Greatest Kings
✨ Who Were The Great Invaders Of Ancient Egypt?
✨ The Mystery Of Egypt’s Pharaoh Queens
✨ The Mystery Of Tutankhamun’s Gold
✨ Is There A Meaning Behind The Placement Of The Pyramids?
✨ The Mystery Of Khafre Enthroned