the fast way to improve your band score in only 16 hours of online exam strategy


Not sure what the IELTS exam is? Or where to start?

Head over to the OVERVIEW and get a clear picture of the structure and what you will have to do on the exam.

Feeling confident?

Test your knowledge about the exam by completing the INTRO QUIZ.

Having this information helps to prepare you mentally and will give direction to your studying. This will lead to a better score on IELTS.

Understand the IELTS exam even better by heading over to the DOWNLOAD page, where you will find helpful pdfs and other resources.


Do you need a Band 7+?

Have you tried repeatedly and not made progress?

Do you need an actual guide to Band 7 success?

Measure your English level with the FREE PLACEMENT TEST and find out what you need to improve on and also which of the IELTS express Courses are right for you.

No registration or credit card required!

No limit on retakes!

No time limit!

See the results and get advice based on your score!


IELTS express Courses are the best choice for independent learning with benefits such as:

Guides and strategies


preparation materials

for each exam section

in-depth information

insider knowledge about the types of questions,

format, time limits,

types of answers


and so on

detailed examples

example questions with sample answers, so you can really understand what you should say and write on exam day

independent environment

study at your own pace,

anytime you want,

with no distractions

Study and master the skills and techniques required to take the test with:

Tips and tricks for each section of the exam (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing)
Access to more than 100+ exam-like practice questions and quizzes
Access to more than 30+ video and audio recordings with explanations to boost your score
Downloadable vocabulary resource bank
Audio recordings and transcripts for each sample question in the Speaking test

The strategies are practical and have helped more than 250 students achieve scores of Band 7-9,

jumping from Band 6 to Band 7.5 and Band 6.5 to 8 or even 9.

These are strategy and tactics courses that tell you HOW to succeed and HOW to apply the strategy.

The courses does not provide grammar and/or vocabulary books or lessons. 

The required level of English is Intermediate (B1 on CEFR).

For grammar and/or vocabulary please see the Services section.


Improve your english, either for the IELTS exam or for general purposes with tailor made private lessons. Online, from the comfort of your home!

The Speaking section of the exam can be tricky for many candidates and improving your skills by yourself can be difficult. With the IELTS express Speaking Correction Service you have a great opportunity to find out what your grammar problems are and how to improve them.

There is no way you can assess your own writing, so if you are feeling insecure or looking for a way to estimate your score before taking the real IELTS test, you are in the right place. You can use the IELTS express Writing Correction Service to get a full and detailed review of your work, reveal your mistakes and get suggestions for improvement.

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Centru Partener IELTS


Suntem Centru Partener IELTS (limba engleză) prin parteneriatul dezvoltat cu EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE din București (EECentre).




Absolvirea testului IELTS oferă cele mai prestigioase certificate pentru cei ce studiază limba engleză; fiind folosite în peste 130 de țări și recunoscute de peste 10.000 universități și angajatori pe plan internațional. 


Eliberare rezultat și certificate: 3-5 zile (de la data susținerii testului)


Termen valabilitate certificat: 2 ani (de la data susținerii testului)






EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE – EECentre este o instituție autorizată de prestigioase organisme internaționale de învățământ să furnizeze în Romania, examene de certificare a cunoștintelor de limba engleză (IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, LINGUASKILL, TRINITY) și limba germană (ÖSD), conform procedurilor internaționale, în condiții și la standarde de calitate identice cu orice alt centru de examinare din Europa, America, Asia.