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Scoring well on IELTS writing can be a long journey for some.


Why is this the case?


Your English may in fact be very good – even fluent – but it can be hard to translate that into a high score in writing if you don’t take the time to prep intelligently. Writing well requires frequent practice, and getting a high writing score on IELTS will require you to consciously put into play strategies and sentence structures that tick all the boxes when it comes to an examiner looking through your essays.


The General Writing module is divided into three sections: Overview, Task 1, and Task 2.


The overview contains detailed information about each task, assessment criteria, and videos to support your learning, and how to improve your band score.


The other two sections contain detailed lessons and practice in planning answers to writing tasks for each type of question in Task 1 and 2. The lessons contain step-by-step guidance, with both written and audio tips & tricks, and sample answers for each part of Task 1 (report) and Task 2 (essay).


Each lesson is followed by practice activities packed with useful structures or vocabulary. When the exercises have been completed correctly, the answers should serve as models when you do your own writing tasks.


The whole module should be completed in a maximum 6 hours.


In this module you will look at the two tasks involved in the IELTS General Training test:

For Task 1

      • You will learn how to identify different types of letters
      • You will identify the main features of these letters
      • You will learn how to answer each bullet point given on the question card
      • You will learn about the specific language for each type of letter
      • You will also look at the language used for ordering ideas in paragraphs
      • You will read sample answers for each type of letter and practise the skills learnt

For Task 2

      • You are going to take a closer look at the essay question to help you answer all its parts
      • You will examine ways of planning and organising your essay
      • You will analyse the different parts of an IELTS essay
      • You will look in more detail at some possible task types in Task 2, and explain how they are assessed
      • You will then look at how to write a good essay with good structure and appropriate language
      • You will have a chance to practise writing an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion


You should go through this section and sub-sections to get familiar with the types of questions you would actually encounter in your real IELTS test. The sample answer(s) added to each question is to help you generate some ideas on how to approach a question and not for memorising. Instead, you should take note of the vocabulary and grammatical structures used for each type of Task 1 and Task 2 question.

I do not recommend you memorise the sample answers. Instead of trying to take shortcuts that never work, put in the effort to actually improve your English such as reading and listening to as much as authentic English as possible.

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Centru Partener IELTS


Suntem Centru Partener IELTS (limba engleză) prin parteneriatul dezvoltat cu EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE din București (EECentre).




Absolvirea testului IELTS oferă cele mai prestigioase certificate pentru cei ce studiază limba engleză; fiind folosite în peste 130 de țări și recunoscute de peste 10.000 universități și angajatori pe plan internațional. 


Eliberare rezultat și certificate: 3-5 zile (de la data susținerii testului)


Termen valabilitate certificat: 2 ani (de la data susținerii testului)






EUROPEAN EXAMINATIONS CENTRE – EECentre este o instituție autorizată de prestigioase organisme internaționale de învățământ să furnizeze în Romania, examene de certificare a cunoștintelor de limba engleză (IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, LINGUASKILL, TRINITY) și limba germană (ÖSD), conform procedurilor internaționale, în condiții și la standarde de calitate identice cu orice alt centru de examinare din Europa, America, Asia.