LIVING BIG IN A TINY HOUSE | 8 short clips about tiny homes

It’s no secret that if you want to improve your English language skills in a quick and easy way, then YouTube is your friend. Not only are the videos free, informative, and easy to access, they are also often pretty fun, too.

Watch these 8 clips about about tiny homes, alternative dwellings and stories of downsized, eco-friendly living. Just personal sidenote: these seem logical solutions to overpopulation. I’m not sure billionaires will fit in this new mindset.

You can use these clips in two ways:

  • watch the videos with subtitles to improve your spelling

  • just tune in and simply listen to improve your listening skills

This Ultra Modern Tiny House Will Blow Your Mind


Life in a Crazy-Small 8m2 Tokyo Apartment

3 x 20ft Shipping Containers Turn Into Amazing Compact Home

✨ School Bus Converted To Incredible Off-Grid Home

✨ Couple Build Amazing Shipping Container Home For Debt-Free Living

✨ Unbelievable House Truck Transforms Into Fantasy Castle

✨ Woman’s Dream Tiny House Even Has A Walk-In Wardrobe

40ft Shipping Containers Transformed Into Amazing Off-Grid Family


Your IELTS bestie,



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