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This course contains videos, worksheets, and tips & tricks which aim to raise your awareness of the IELTS speaking test, focus your attention on techniques that will improve your performance, and provide opportunities for you to practise the language used in the different parts of the test.

I strongly recommend you complete ALL activities in the order provided, take notes while you watch the videos, record yourself while answering the questions, and play it back to check for grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes, words you may be repeating, or instances when your speech is slow.

The whole module should be completed in maximum 6 hours.


The videos and worksheets are not intended as a forum for discussing grades. Although in certain questions I ask you to look at the candidates’ performance, it is with a view to improving your own performance and not for you to grade the candidates.


These IELTS speaking videos have been produced for teaching purposes only and is not a live exam. There are, therefore, no grades available.

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